

The simplest way to install mltype is via PyPI

pip install mltype

To get the latest version or potentially help with developlment, clone the github repository

git clone
cd mltype
pip install -e .


Alternatively, you can also use Docker Compose. Run the following command

docker-compose run --rm mltype

This command builds the mltype_img image and then runs it while mounting your home directory inside of the container.

One does not have to use Docker Compose and instead reacreate the above with the following commands

docker build -t mltype_img .
docker run --rm -it -v $HOME:/root mltype_img

Note that if you want to have access to GPUs (can be used for training) you need to add the --gpus all flag to docker run.

Lastly, we recommend adding a custom user to prevent having root priveleges inside of the container.

Extra dependencies

One can use the following sytax to install extra dependencies

pip install -e .[GROUP]

Below are the available groups with

  • dev - development tools

  • mlflow - optional tracking tool to visualize training progress

Note that for some tests (optional) we use hecate. To install it run

pip install hecate@git+