Source code for mltype.cli

"""Command line interface."""
from configparser import ConfigParser
from collections import Counter
import pathlib
import pprint
import warnings
import sys

import click
import click_config_file

from mltype.utils import (


[docs]def provider(file_path, cmd_name): """Read a section from a config file. This function is used for the `click_config_file`. The desired behavior is that by default we are reading the config file from `~/.mltype/config.ini`. If the user manually specifices the `--config` option (available in all subcommands) then one can provide a custom path. Importantly, one needs to use the full option names and replace "-" with "_". For example, `t = 50` and `target-wpm = 50 are invalid` and `target_wpm = 50` is valid. Parameters ---------- file_path : str or pathlib.Path Path to where the config file is located. cmd_name : str Name of the command. Returns ------- dict Keys represent the command line options and the values are their desired values. """ # Drop the default behaviour provided_path = pathlib.Path(file_path) default_click_path = pathlib.Path(click.get_app_dir(cmd_name)) / "config" if provided_path == default_click_path: # The user did not provide custom config file via --config used_path = get_config_file_path() set_config_file_path(None) # None == defaulting to cache dir if not used_path.exists(): return {} else: # The user did provide custom config file via --config used_path = provided_path # Enforce existence of custom config file if not used_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError("The configuration file not found.") # Redefine actual config file path for non-CLI settings set_config_file_path(used_path) cp = ConfigParser() if cmd_name in cp.sections(): return dict(cp[cmd_name]) else: return {} def cli(): # noqa: D400 """Tool for improving typing speed and accuracy""" @cli.command() @click.argument("path", type=click.File("r")) @click.option( "-e", "--end-line", type=int, help="The end line of the excerpt to use. Needs to be used together with " "start-line.", ) @click.option( "-f", "--force-perfect", is_flag=True, help="All characters need to be typed correctly", ) @click.option( "-i", "--instant-death", is_flag=True, help="End game after the first mistake", ) @click.option( "-l", "--n-lines", type=int, help="Number of consecutive lines to be selected at random. Cannot be " "used together with start-line and end-line.", ) @click.option( "-o", "--output-file", type=click.Path(), help="Path to where to save the result file", ) @click.option("-r", "--random-state", type=int) @click.option( "-s", "--start-line", type=int, help="The start line of the excerpt to use. needs to be used together " "with end-line.", ) @click.option( "-t", "--target-wpm", type=int, help="The desired speed to be shown as a guide", ) @click.option( "-w", "--include-whitespace", is_flag=True, help="Include whitespace characters", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option(provider=provider, implicit=True) def file( path, start_line, end_line, n_lines, random_state, force_perfect, instant_death, output_file, target_wpm, include_whitespace, ): # noqa: D400 """Type text from a file""" # noqa: D400 import numpy as np from mltype.interactive import main_basic # validation mode_exact = start_line is not None and end_line is not None mode_random = n_lines is not None if not (mode_exact ^ mode_random): raise ValueError( "One can either provide start and end " "line or the n_lines to be randomly selected." ) all_lines = [line for line in path.readlines()] if not include_whitespace: all_lines = [f"{line.strip()} " for line in all_lines] n_all_lines = len(all_lines) if mode_exact: if random_state is not None: raise ValueError( "One can only use random state in combination with n-lines" ) if not 0 <= start_line < end_line < len(all_lines): raise ValueError( f"Selected lines fall outside of the range (0, {n_all_lines})" " or are in a wrong order." ) if mode_random: if random_state is not None: np.random.seed(random_state) start_line = np.random.randint(n_all_lines - n_lines) end_line = start_line + n_lines selected_lines = all_lines[start_line:end_line] main_basic( "".join(selected_lines), force_perfect=force_perfect, output_file=output_file, instant_death=instant_death, target_wpm=target_wpm, ) @cli.command() @click_config_file.configuration_option(provider=provider, implicit=True) def ls(): # noqa: D400 """List all language models""" from mltype.utils import get_cache_dir, get_config_file cp = get_config_file() try: predefined_path = cp["general"]["models_dir"] languages_dir = get_cache_dir(predefined_path) except KeyError: languages_dir = get_cache_dir() / "languages" if not languages_dir.exists(): return all_names = sorted([ for x in languages_dir.iterdir() if x.is_file()]) for name in all_names: print(name) @cli.command() @click.argument("path", nargs=-1, type=click.Path()) @click.argument("model_name", type=str) @click.option( "-b", "--batch-size", type=int, default=64, help="Number of samples in a batch", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "-c", "--checkpoint-path", type=click.Path(), help="Load a checkpoint and continue training it", ) @click.option( "-d", "--dense-size", type=int, default=128, help="Size of the dense layer", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "-e", "--extensions", type=str, help="Comma-separated list of allowed extensions", ) @click.option( "-f", "--fill-strategy", type=str, default="skip", help="Either zeros or skip. Determines how to deal with out of vocabulary " "characters", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "-g", "--gpus", type=int, help="Number of gpus. If not specified, then none. If -1, then all.", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "-h", "--hidden-size", type=int, default=32, help="Size of the hidden state", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "-i", "--illegal-chars", type=str, help="Characters to exclude from the vocabulary", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "-l", "--n-layers", type=int, default=1, help="Number of layers in the recurrent network", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "-m", "--use-mlflow", is_flag=True, help="Use MLFlow for logging", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "-n", "--max-epochs", type=int, default=10, help="Maximum number of epochs", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "-o", "--output-path", type=click.Path(), help="Custom path where to save the trained models and logging details. " "If not provided it defaults to `~/.mltype`.", ) @click.option( "-s", "--early-stopping", is_flag=True, help="Enable early stopping based on validation loss", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "-t", "--train-test-split", type=float, default=0.9, help="Train test split - value between (0, 1)", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "-v", "--vocab-size", type=int, default=50, help="Number of most frequent characters to include in the vocabulary", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "-w", "--window-size", type=int, default=50, help="Number of previous characters to consider for prediction", show_default=True, ) @click_config_file.configuration_option(provider=provider, implicit=True) def train( path, model_name, checkpoint_path, extensions, fill_strategy, illegal_chars, gpus, batch_size, dense_size, hidden_size, max_epochs, early_stopping, n_layers, output_path, train_test_split, use_mlflow, vocab_size, window_size, ): # noqa: D400 """Train a language""" params = locals() from import file2text, folder2text from import run_train from mltype.utils import print_section with print_section(" Parameters ", drop_end=True): pprint.pprint(params) all_texts = [] with print_section(" Reading file(s) ", drop_end=True): for p in path: path_p = pathlib.Path(str(p)) if not path_p.exists(): raise ValueError( "The provided path does not exist" ) # pragma: no cover if path_p.is_file(): texts = [file2text(path_p)] elif path_p.is_dir(): valid_extensions = ( extensions.split(",") if extensions is not None else None ) texts = folder2text(path_p, valid_extensions=valid_extensions) else: ValueError("Unrecognized object") # pragma: no cover all_texts.extend(texts) if not all_texts: raise ValueError("Did not manage to read any text") # pragma: no cover run_train( all_texts, model_name, max_epochs=max_epochs, window_size=window_size, batch_size=batch_size, vocab_size=vocab_size, fill_strategy=fill_strategy, illegal_chars=illegal_chars, train_test_split=train_test_split, hidden_size=hidden_size, dense_size=dense_size, n_layers=n_layers, use_mlflow=use_mlflow, early_stopping=early_stopping, gpus=gpus, checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path, output_path=output_path, ) print("Done") @cli.command() @click.argument("characters") @click.option( "-f", "--force-perfect", is_flag=True, help="All characters need to be typed correctly", ) @click.option( "-i", "--instant-death", is_flag=True, help="End game after the first mistake", ) @click.option( "-n", "--n-chars", type=int, default=100, show_default=True, help="Number of characters to generate", ) @click.option( "-o", "--output-file", type=click.Path(), help="Path to where to save the result file", ) @click.option( "-t", "--target-wpm", type=int, help="The desired speed to be shown as a guide", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option(provider=provider, implicit=True) def random( characters, force_perfect, instant_death, n_chars, output_file, target_wpm ): # noqa: D400 """Sample characters randomly from a vocabulary""" import numpy as np from mltype.interactive import main_basic c = Counter(characters) vocabulary = list(c.keys()) counts = np.array([c[x] for x in vocabulary]) p = counts / counts.sum() text = "".join(np.random.choice(vocabulary, size=n_chars, p=p)) main_basic( text, force_perfect=force_perfect, output_file=output_file, instant_death=instant_death, target_wpm=target_wpm, ) @cli.command() @click.argument("text") @click.option( "-f", "--force-perfect", is_flag=True, help="All characters need to be typed correctly", ) @click.option( "-i", "--instant-death", is_flag=True, help="End game after the first mistake", ) @click.option( "-o", "--output-file", type=click.Path(), help="Path to where to save the result file", ) @click.option( "-r", "--raw-string", is_flag=True, help="If active, then newlines and tabs are not seen as special characters", ) @click.option( "-t", "--target-wpm", type=int, help="The desired speed to be shown as a guide", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option(provider=provider, implicit=True) def raw( text, force_perfect, output_file, instant_death, target_wpm, raw_string ): # noqa: D400 """Provide text manually""" import codecs from mltype.interactive import main_basic if not raw_string: text = codecs.decode(text, "unicode_escape") main_basic( text, force_perfect=force_perfect, output_file=output_file, instant_death=instant_death, target_wpm=target_wpm, ) @cli.command() @click.argument("replay-file", type=click.Path()) @click.option( "-f", "--force-perfect", is_flag=True, help="All characters need to be typed correctly", ) @click.option( "-i", "--instant-death", is_flag=True, help="End game after the first mistake", ) @click.option( "-t", "--target-wpm", type=int, help="The desired speed to be shown as a guide", ) @click.option( "-w", "--overwrite", is_flag=True, help="Overwrite in place if faster" ) @click_config_file.configuration_option(provider=provider, implicit=True) def replay( replay_file, force_perfect, instant_death, overwrite, target_wpm ): # noqa: D400 """Compete against a past performance""" from mltype.interactive import main_replay main_replay( replay_file=replay_file, force_perfect=force_perfect, instant_death=instant_death, overwrite=overwrite, target_wpm=target_wpm, ) @cli.command() @click.argument("model-name") @click.option( "-f", "--force-perfect", is_flag=True, help="All characters need to be typed correctly", ) @click.option( "-i", "--instant-death", is_flag=True, help="End game after the first mistake", ) @click.option( "-k", "--top-k", type=int, help="Consider the top k most probable characters", ) @click.option( "-n", "--n-chars", type=int, default=100, show_default=True, help="Number of characters to generate", ) @click.option( "-o", "--output-file", type=click.Path(), help="Path to where to save the result file", ) @click.option( "-r", "--random-state", type=int, help="Random state for reproducible results", ) @click.option( "-s", "--starting-text", type=str, help="Initial text used as a starting condition", ) @click.option( "-t", "--target-wpm", type=int, help="The desired speed to be shown as a guide", ) @click.option( "-v", "--verbose", is_flag=True, help="Show progressbar when generating text", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option(provider=provider, implicit=True) def sample( model_name, n_chars, force_perfect, instant_death, random_state, output_file, target_wpm, verbose, starting_text, top_k, ): # noqa: D400 """Sample text from a language""" sys.modules["mlflow"] = None from mltype.interactive import main_basic from import load_model, sample_text from mltype.utils import get_cache_dir, get_config_file cp = get_config_file() try: predefined_path = cp["general"]["models_dir"] languages_dir = get_cache_dir(predefined_path) except KeyError: languages_dir = get_cache_dir() / "languages" model_path = languages_dir / model_name network, vocabulary = load_model(model_path) text = sample_text( n_chars, network, vocabulary, initial_text=starting_text, random_state=random_state, top_k=top_k, verbose=verbose, ) main_basic( text, force_perfect=force_perfect, output_file=output_file, instant_death=instant_death, target_wpm=target_wpm, )