Source code for

"""Machine learning utilities."""
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
import importlib
import pathlib
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
import tqdm

from mltype.utils import get_cache_dir, get_mlflow_artifacts_path, print_section


[docs]def create_data_language( text, vocabulary, window_size=2, fill_strategy="zeros", verbose=False ): """Create a supervised dataset for the characte/-lever language model. Parameters ---------- text : str Some text. vocabulary : list Unique list of supported characters. Their corresponding indices are going to be used for the one hot encoding. window_size : int The number of previous characters to condition on. fill_strategy : str, {"skip", "zeros"} Strategy for handling initial characters and unknown characters. verbose : bool If True, progress bar is showed. Returns ------- X : np.ndarray Features array of shape `(len(text), window_size)` if `fill_strategy=zeros`, otherwise it might be shorter. The dtype is `np.int8`. If applicable, the integer `(len(vocabulary))` represnts a zero vector (out of vocabulary token). y : np.ndarray Targets array of shape `(len(text),)` if `fill_strategy=zeros`, otherwise it might be shorter. The dtype is `np.int8`. indices : np.ndarray For each sample an index of the character we are trying to predict. Note that for `fill_strategy="zeros"` it is going to be `np.arange(len(text))`. However, for different strategies might have gaps. It helps us to keep track of the sample - character correspondence. """ if not vocabulary: raise ValueError("The vocabulary is empty.") if len(vocabulary) != len(set(vocabulary)): raise ValueError("There are duplicates in the vocabulary.") vocab_size = len(vocabulary) if vocab_size >= 255: # we need to use one integer for out of vocabulary raise ValueError("The maximum vocabulary size is 255") text_size = len(text) ch2ix = defaultdict(lambda: vocab_size) ch2ix.update({ch: ix for ix, ch in enumerate(vocabulary)}) text_l = window_size * [None] + list(text) X_lines = [] y_lines = [] indices_lines = [] iterable = range(text_size) if verbose: iterable = tqdm.tqdm(iterable) for i in iterable: feature_ixs = [ ch2ix[text_l[i + offset]] for offset in range(window_size) ] target_ix = ch2ix[text_l[i + window_size]] if fill_strategy == "skip": if vocab_size in feature_ixs or vocab_size == target_ix: continue X_lines.append(feature_ixs) y_lines.append(target_ix) indices_lines.append(i) if not X_lines: X = np.empty((0, window_size), dtype=np.int8) y = np.empty((0,), dtype=np.int8) else: X = np.array(X_lines, dtype=np.int8) y = np.array(y_lines, dtype=np.int8) indices = np.array(indices_lines) return X, y, indices
[docs]def text2features(text, vocabulary): """Create per character one hot encoding. Note that we employ the zeros strategy out of vocabulary characters. Parameters ---------- text : str Text. vocabulary : list Vocabulary to be used for the endcoding. Returns ------- res : np.ndarray Array of shape `(len(text), len(vocabulary)` of boolean dtype. Each row represents the one hot encoding of the respective character. Note that out of vocabulary characters are encoding with a zero vector. """ text_size = len(text) vocab_size = len(vocabulary) ch2ix = {ch: ix for ix, ch in enumerate(vocabulary)} output = np.zeros((text_size, vocab_size), dtype=np.bool) for i, ch in enumerate(text): try: output[i, ch2ix[ch]] = True except KeyError: pass return output
[docs]def sample_char( network, vocabulary, h=None, c=None, previous_chars=None, random_state=None, top_k=None, device=None, ): """Sample a character given network probability prediciton (with a state). Parameters ---------- network : torch.nn.Module Trained neural network that outputs a probability distribution over `vocabulary`. vocabulary : list List of unique characters. h, c : torch.Tensor Hidden states with shape `(n_layers, batch_size=1, hidden_size)`. Note that if both of them are None we are at the very first character. previous_chars : None or str Previous charaters. None or and empty string if we are at the very first character. random_state : None or int Guarantees reproducibility. top_k : None or int If specified, we only sample from the top k most probably characters. Otherwise all of them. device : None or torch.device By default `torch.device("cpu")`. Returns ------- ch : str A character from the vocabulary. """ device = device or torch.device("cpu") if previous_chars: features = text2features(previous_chars, vocabulary) else: features = np.zeros((1, len(vocabulary)), dtype=np.bool) network.eval() features = features[None, ...] # add batch dimension if random_state is not None: np.random.seed(random_state) x = torch.from_numpy(features).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=device) out, h_n, c_n = network(x, h, c) probs = out[0].detach().cpu().numpy() if top_k is not None: probs_new = np.zeros_like(probs) top_k_indices = probs.argsort()[-top_k:] probs_new[top_k_indices] = probs[top_k_indices] probs = probs_new / probs_new.sum() return np.random.choice(vocabulary, p=probs), h_n, c_n
[docs]def sample_text( n_chars, network, vocabulary, initial_text=None, random_state=None, top_k=None, verbose=False, device=None, ): """Sample text by unrolling character by character predictions. Note that keep the pass hidden states with each character prediciton and there is not need to specify a window. Parameters ---------- n_chars : int Number of characters to sample. network : torch.nn.Module Pretrained character level network. vocabulary : list List of unique characters. initial_text : None or str If specified, initial text to condition based on. random_state : None or int Allows reproducibility. top_k : None or int If specified, we only sample from the top k most probable characters. Otherwise all of them. verbose : bool Controls verbosity. device : None or torch.device By default `torch.device("cpu")`. Returns ------- text : str Generated text of length `n_chars + len(initial_text)`. """ device = device or torch.device("cpu") network.eval() initial_text = initial_text or "" res = initial_text h, c = None, None iterable = range(n_chars) if verbose: iterable = tqdm.tqdm(iterable) if random_state is not None: np.random.seed(random_state) for _ in iterable: previous_chars = initial_text if res == initial_text else res[-1] new_ch, h, c = sample_char( network, vocabulary, h=h, c=c, previous_chars=previous_chars, top_k=top_k, device=device, ) res += new_ch return res
[docs]class LanguageDataset( """Language dataset. All the inputs of this class should be generated via `create_data_language`. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Array of shape (n_samples, window_size) of dtype `np.int8`. It represents the features. y : np.ndarray Array of shape (n_samples,) of dtype `np.int8`. It represents the targets vocabulary : list List of characters in the vocabulary. transform : callable or None Some callable that inputs `X` and `y` and returns some modified instances of them. Attributes ---------- ohv_matrix : np.ndarray Matrix of shape `(vocab_size + 1, vocab_size)`. The submatrix `ohv_matrix[:vocab_size, :]` is an identity matrix and is used for fast creation of one hot vectors. The last row of `ohv_matrix` is a zero vector and is used for encoding out-of-vocabulary characters. """ def __init__(self, X, y, vocabulary, transform=None): self.X = X self.y = y self.vocabulary = vocabulary self.transform = transform vocab_size = len(vocabulary) ch2ix = defaultdict(lambda: vocab_size) ch2ix.update({ch: ix for ix, ch in enumerate(vocabulary)}) ohv_matrix = np.eye(vocab_size, dtype=np.float32) self.ohv_matrix = np.concatenate( [ohv_matrix, np.zeros((1, vocab_size), dtype=np.float32)], axis=0 ) def __len__(self): """Compute the number of samples.""" return len(self.X) def __getitem__(self, ix): """Get a single sample. Parameters ---------- ix : int Index od the sample. Returns ------- X_sample : np.ndarray Array of shape `(window_size, vocab_size)` where each row is either an one hot vector (inside of vocabulary character) or a zero vector (out of vocabulary character). y_sample : np.ndarray Array of shape `(vocab_size,)` representing either the one hot encoding of the character to be predicted (inside of vocabulary character) or a zero vector (out of vocabulary character). vocabulary : list The vocabulary. The reason why we want to provide this too is to have access to it during validation. """ X_sample = torch.from_numpy(self.ohv_matrix[self.X[ix]]) y_sample = torch.from_numpy(self.ohv_matrix[self.y[ix]]) if self.transform is not None: X_sample, y_sample = self.transform(X_sample, y_sample) # unfortunatelly vocab will get collated to a batch, but whatever return X_sample, y_sample, self.vocabulary
[docs]class SingleCharacterLSTM(pl.LightningModule): """Single character recurrent neural network. Given some string of characters, we generate the probability distribution of the next character. Architecture starts with an LSTM (`hidden_size`, `n_layers`, `vocab_size`) network and then we feed the last hidden state to a fully connected network with one hidden layer (`dense_size`). Parameters ---------- vocab_size : int Size of the vocabulary. Necessary since we are encoding each character as a one hot vector. hidden_size : int Hidden size of the recurrent cell. n_layers : int Number of layers in the recurrent network. dense_size : int Size of the single layer of the feed forward network. Attributes ---------- rnn_layer : torch.nn.Module The recurrent network layer. linear_layer1 : torch.nn.Module Linear layer connecting the last hidden state and the single layer of the feedforward network. linear_layer2 : torch.nn.Module Linear layer connecting the single layer of the feedforward network with the output (of size `vocabulary_size`). activation_layer : torch.nn.Module Softmax layer making sure we get a probability distribution. """ def __init__(self, vocab_size, hidden_size=16, n_layers=1, dense_size=128): super().__init__() self.save_hyperparameters() self.rnn_layer = torch.nn.LSTM( input_size=vocab_size, hidden_size=hidden_size, num_layers=n_layers, batch_first=True, ) self.linear_layer1 = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, dense_size) self.linear_layer2 = torch.nn.Linear(dense_size, vocab_size) self.activation_layer = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)
[docs] def forward(self, x, h=None, c=None): """Perform forward pass. Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor Input features of shape `(batch_size, window_size, vocab_size)`. Note that the provided `vocab_size` needs to be equal to the one provided in the constructor. The remaining dimensions (`batch_size` and `window_size`) can be any positive integers. h, c : torch.Tensor Hidden states of shape `(n_layers, batch_size, hidden_size)`. Note that if provided we enter a continuation mode. In this case to generate the prediction we just use the last character and the hidden state for the prediction. Note that in this case we enforce that `x.shape=(batch_size, 1, vocab_size)`. Returns ------- probs : torch.Tensor Tensor of shape `(batch_size, vocab_size)`. For each sample it represents the probability distribution over all characters in the vocabulary. h_n, c_n : torch.Tensor New Hidden states of shape `(n_layers, batch_size, hidden_size)`. """ continuation_mode = h is not None and c is not None if continuation_mode: if not (x.ndim == 3 and x.shape[1] == 1): raise ValueError("Wrong input for the continuation mode") _, (h_n, c_n) = self.rnn_layer(x, (h, c)) else: _, (h_n, c_n) = self.rnn_layer(x) average_h_n = h_n.mean(dim=0) x = self.linear_layer1(average_h_n) logits = self.linear_layer2(x) probs = self.activation_layer(logits) return probs, h_n, c_n
[docs] def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """Run training step. Necessary for pytorch-lightning. Parameters ---------- batch : tuple Batch of training samples. The exact definition depends on the dataloader. batch_idx : idx Index of the batch. Returns ------- loss : torch.Tensor Tensor scalar representing the mean binary cross entropy over the batch. """ x, y, _ = batch probs, _, _ = self.forward(x) loss = torch.nn.functional.binary_cross_entropy(probs, y) self.log("train_loss", loss, prog_bar=False) return loss
[docs] def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """Run validation step. Optional for pytorch-lightning. Parameters ---------- batch : tuple Batch of validation samples. The exact definition depends on the dataloader. batch_idx : idx Index of the batch. Returns ------- vocabulary : list Vocabulary in order to have access in `validation_epoch_end`. """ x, y, vocabulary = batch probs, _, _ = self.forward(x) loss = torch.nn.functional.binary_cross_entropy(probs, y) self.log("val_loss", loss, prog_bar=True) return vocabulary
[docs] def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """Run epoch end validation logic. We sample 5 times 100 characters from the current network. We then print to the standard output. Parameters ---------- outputs : list List of batches that were collected over the validation set with `validation_step`. """ if self.logger is None: return vocabulary = np.array(outputs[-1])[:, 0] n_samples = 5 n_chars = 100 lines = [ sample_text(n_chars, self, vocabulary, device=self.device) for _ in range(n_samples) ] text = "\n".join(lines) artifacts_path = get_mlflow_artifacts_path( self.logger.experiment, self.logger.run_id ) output_path = artifacts_path / f"{}.txt" output_path.write_text(text)
[docs] def configure_optimizers(self): """Configure optimizers. Necessary for pytorch-lightning. Returns ------- optimizer : Optimizer The chosen optimizer. """ optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=1e-3) return optimizer
[docs]def run_train( texts, name, max_epochs=10, window_size=50, batch_size=32, vocab_size=None, fill_strategy="skip", illegal_chars="", train_test_split=0.5, hidden_size=32, dense_size=32, n_layers=1, checkpoint_path=None, output_path=None, use_mlflow=True, early_stopping=True, gpus=None, ): """Run the training loop. Note that the parameters are also explained in the cli of `mlt train`. Parameters ---------- texts : list List of str representing all texts we would like to train on. name : str Name of the model. This name is only used when we save the model - it is not hardcoded anywhere in the serialization. max_epochs : int Maximum number of epochs. Note that the number of actual epochs can be lower if we activate the `early_stopping` flag. window_size : int Number of previous characters to consider when predicting the next character. The higher the number the longer the memory we are enforcing. Howerever, at the same time, the training becomes slower. batch_size : int Number of samples in one batch. vocab_size : int Maximum number of characters to be put in the vocabulary. Note that one can explicityly exclude characters via `illegal_chars`. The higher this number the bigger the feature vectors are and the slower the training. fill_strategy : str, {"zeros", "skip"} Determines how to deal with out of vocabulary characters. When "zeros" then we simply encode them as zero vectors. If "skip", we skip a given sample if any of the characters in the window or the predicted character are not in the vocabulary. illegal_chars : str or None If specified, then each character of the str represents a forbidden character that we do not put in the vocabulary. train_test_split : float Float in the range (0, 1) representing the percentage of the training set with respect to the entire dataset. hidden_size : int Hidden size of LSTM cells (equal in all layers). dense_size : int Size of the dense layer that is bridging the hidden state outputted by the LSTM and the final output probabilities over the vocabulary. n_layers : int Number of layers inside of the LSTM. checkpoint_path : None or pathlib.Path or str If specified, it is pointing to a checkpoint file (generated by Pytorch-lightning). This file does not contain the vocabulary. It can be used to continue the training. output_path : None or pathlib.Path or str If specified, it is an alternative output folder when the trained models and logging information will be stored. If not specified the output folder is by default set to `~/.mltype`. use_mlflow : bool If active, than we use mlflow for logging of training and validation loss. Additionally, at the end of each epoch we generate a few sample texts to demonstrate how good/bad the current network is. early_stopping : bool If True, then we monitor the validation loss and if it does not improve for a certain number of epochs then we stop the traning. gpus : int or None If None or 0, no GPUs are used (only CPUs). Otherwise, it represents the number of GPUs to be used (using the data parallelization strategy). """ illegal_chars = illegal_chars or "" cache_dir = get_cache_dir(output_path) languages_path = cache_dir / "languages" / name checkpoints_path = cache_dir / "checkpoints" / name if languages_path.exists(): raise FileExistsError(f"The model {name} already exists") with print_section(" Computing vocabulary ", drop_end=True): vocabulary = sorted( [ x[0] for x in Counter("".join(texts)).most_common() if x[0] not in illegal_chars ][:vocab_size] ) # works for None vocab_size = len(vocabulary) print(f"# characters: {vocab_size}") print(vocabulary) with print_section(" Creating training set ", drop_end=True): X_list = [] y_list = [] for text in tqdm.tqdm(texts): X_, y_, _ = create_data_language( text, vocabulary, window_size=window_size, verbose=False, fill_strategy=fill_strategy, ) X_list.append(X_) y_list.append(y_) X = np.concatenate(X_list, axis=0) if len(X_list) != 1 else X_list[0] y = np.concatenate(y_list, axis=0) if len(y_list) != 1 else y_list[0] print(f"X.dtype={X.dtype}, y.dtype={y.dtype}") split_ix = int(len(X) * train_test_split) indices = np.random.permutation(len(X)) train_indices = indices[:split_ix] val_indices = indices[split_ix:] print(f"Train: {len(train_indices)}\nValidation: {len(val_indices)}") dataset = LanguageDataset(X, y, vocabulary=vocabulary) dataloader_t = dataset, batch_size=batch_size,, ) dataloader_v = dataset, batch_size=batch_size,, ) if checkpoint_path is None: network = SingleCharacterLSTM( vocab_size, hidden_size=hidden_size, dense_size=dense_size, n_layers=n_layers, ) else: print(f"Loading a checkpointed network: {checkpoint_path}") network = SingleCharacterLSTM.load_from_checkpoint(str(checkpoint_path)) chp_name_template = str(checkpoints_path / "{epoch}-{val_loss:.3f}") chp_callback = pl.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint( filepath=chp_name_template, save_last=True, # last epoch always there save_top_k=1, verbose=True, monitor="val_loss", mode="min", save_weights_only=False, ) callbacks = [] if use_mlflow: print("Logging with MLflow") logger = pl.loggers.MLFlowLogger( "mltype", save_dir=get_cache_dir(output_path) / "logs" / "mlruns" ) print(f"Run ID: {logger.run_id}") logger.log_hyperparams( { "fill_strategy": fill_strategy, "model_name": name, "train_test_split": train_test_split, "vocab_size": vocab_size, "window_size": window_size, } ) else: logger = None if early_stopping: print("Activating early stopping") callbacks.append( pl.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor="val_loss", verbose=True) ) with print_section(" Training ", drop_end=True): trainer = pl.Trainer( gpus=gpus, max_epochs=max_epochs, logger=logger, callbacks=callbacks, checkpoint_callback=chp_callback, ), dataloader_t, dataloader_v) with print_section(" Saving the model ", drop_end=False): if chp_callback.best_model_path: print(f"Using the checkpoint {chp_callback.best_model_path}") network = SingleCharacterLSTM.load_from_checkpoint( chp_callback.best_model_path ) else: print("No checkpoint found, using the current network") print(f"The final model is saved to: {languages_path}") save_model(network, vocabulary, languages_path)
[docs]def load_model(path): """Load serialized model and vocabulary. Parameters ---------- path : pathlib.Path Path to where the file lies. This file was created by `save_model` method. Returns ------- model_inst : SingleCharacterLSTM Instance of the model. Note that all of its parameters will be lying on a CPU. vocabulary : list Corresponding vocabulary. """ output_dict = torch.load(path, map_location=torch.device("cpu")) kwargs = output_dict["kwargs"] model_class_name = output_dict["model_class_name"] state_dict = output_dict["state_dict"] vocabulary = output_dict["vocabulary"] model_class = getattr( importlib.import_module(""), model_class_name ) model_inst = model_class(**kwargs) model_inst.load_state_dict(state_dict) return model_inst, vocabulary
[docs]def save_model(model, vocabulary, path): """Serialize a model. Note that we require that the model has a property `hparams` that we can unpack into the constructor of the class and get the same network architecture. This is automatically the case if we subclass from `pl.LightningModule`. Parameters ---------- model : SingleCharacterLSTM Torch model to be saved. Additionally, we require that it has the `hparams` property that contains all necessary hyperparameters to instantiate the model. vocabulary : list The corresponding vocabulary. path : pathlib.Path Path to the file that will whole the serialized object. """ output_dict = { "kwargs": model.hparams, "model_class_name": model.__class__.__name__, "state_dict": model.state_dict(), "vocabulary": vocabulary, } path_parent = pathlib.Path(path).parent path_parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True), path)